Processing of personal data

The EU Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EC (GDPR) entered into force on 25 May 2018. It places more and stricter demands on the processing of personal data.

Advokat Gunilla Olsson AB is the data controller for the personal data regarding contact persons we receive in connection with assignments or that are otherwise processed when the assignment is prepared or administered. You are not obliged to provide personal data to us, but without this, we cannot undertake an assignment because we cannot carry out the necessary conflict of interest control.

We process the data in order to carry out mandatory conflict of interest and (where applicable) money laundering control, perform and administer the assignment, to protect your interests, for accounting and billing purposes. This data is processed on the basis that the processing is necessary to fulfil a contract under Article 6(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation.

We will not disclose personal data to third parties except in cases where (i) it has been specifically agreed between the law firm and you, (ii) where, within the framework of a particular assignment, it is necessary to exercise your rights, (iii) if it is necessary for us to fulfil the statutory obligation or comply with government decisions or decisions of a court;  or (iv) in the event that we engage third-party service providers performing assignments on our behalf. The data may be disclosed to courts, authorities, counterparties and counterparty representatives if it is necessary to safeguard your rights. The personal data is stored, in accordance with the obligation imposed on Advokat Gunilla Olsson AB according to guiding rules for good lawyer’s practice, for a period of ten years from the date of completion of the case, or the longer period required by the nature of the case.

You have the right to request information from the law firm free of charge about the use of the personal data relating to you. We will, at your request or on our own initiative, correct or delete data that is incorrect or restrict the processing of such data.

Please contact us at if you have any questions regarding our personal data processing.

The data controller is:
Advokat Gunilla Olsson AB
Mälartorget 19
111 27 Stockholm
Phone: +46 8 667 91 98

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*” anger obligatoriska fält

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