Attorney Gunilla Olsson

Gunilla Olsson graduated from law school at Stockholm University. During her studies, she worked parallel at the faculty as amanuensis in criminal law.

After completing her studies, Gunilla Olsson worked at the law firm JG Tengström, 1991-1993 and then at the law firm Wellton 1993-1998.

Since 1998, Gunilla Olsson has conducted her own legal business focusing on family and criminal law, both children’s rights, economic family law and criminal cases as well as injured party counsel, special representative for children and public defender.

Gunilla Olsson has been a member of the Swedish Bar Association since 1997.

Gunilla Olsson teaches family law for law students at the law school at Stockholm University and at the principle’s program. Gunilla Olsson also teaches courses for other associates and attorneys that work in the same field of law.

Gunilla Olsson has prepared a referral opinion for the Swedish Bar Association for the investigation “See the child!” in 2006.

Gunilla Olsson is also the author of the Children’s Rights Chapter in the book Family Law, and co-author of the chapter on Sweden in the book Family Law, third edition.

If you want to get in touch with Gunilla Olsson, you can call 08 – 667 91 98 or send an email to or fill in the contact form in our website.

Advokat Gunilla Olsson

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